Peter Rabbit Story time 

Titles in This Set:
Peter Rabbit Tales Goodnight PeterThe
fourth title
in a new series
of board book s
for the
very young
set in Peter Rabb
it's world. Peter can't
sleep. He's
big for h
is bed
room with h
is sisters, Flopsy, Mopsy and Cott
on-tail. But is he
big e
for his own
room? The simple
tales mirror important
early experiences and emoti
of young
children through the eyes
of Be
atrix Potter's most
loved characters, while Elea
nor Taylor's illustr
ons are filled
with charm, warmth and hum
Peter Rabbit Tales Happy BirthdayIt's Peter's
birthday, but he feels sad because
nobody in his family wants to
play or even
see him!
It's turning out to be the worst birthday ever for Peter... until he
gets a special surprise. This is the third title in a new series of
stories for the
very young
set in Peter Rabbit's
world. The simple tales mirror important
early experiences and emotions of young
children through the eyes of Be
atrix Potter's most
loved characters, while Eleanor Taylor's illustrations are filled
with charm, warmth and hum
Peter Rabbit Tales Three Little BunniesFrom the delightful
world of be
loved classic
children's author, B
eatrix Potter. The perfect book to help prepare
your little one to beco
me a
kind and caring
older sibling, with e
veryone's fav
ourite mischievous
bunny: Peter Rabbit! Peter Rabbit is used to being an only
bunny, so he
gets quite a surprise
when not one,
not two, but
three baby rabbits join the family! Peter is
not at all sure at
first how he feels about his new siblings. Mrs Rabbit has thought of na
mes for two of them: Flopsy and Mopsy - but it's Peter
who gets to choose the third one! Suddenly he feels important and