The Very Hungry Caterpillar's Very First EncyclopediaĐộ tuổi: 3 years+ Định dạng: Hardback ISBN: 9780241502587 Số Trang: 224 pages Kích thước: 263 x 222mm NXB: DK Ngôn ngữ: English Giá bìa: £16.99 ~ 510.000đMPS0812DKSố lượng: 1 quyển
The Very Hungry Caterpillar's Very First Encyclopedia
Mã SP: MPS0812
Độ tuổi: 3 years+ Định dạng: Hardback ISBN: 9780241502587 Số Trang: 224 pages Kích thước: 263 x 222mm NXB: DK Ngôn ngữ: English Giá bìa: £16.99 ~ 510.000đ
Each chapter focuses on a different theme, with a new topic everytimeyou turn the page. Bite-size chunks of information are complemented by captivating illustrations by the WorldofEric Carle, eye-catching photography, and simple how-it-works diagrams, while pull-out images and facts provide extra nuggets of interest. Young learners can find out all about light and sound, the planets in the SolarSystem, how plants grow, and much, much more in this one-of-a-kind introduction to key curriculum subjects.